Cairn Terrier: A breed renowned for its courage and lively character.
The Scottish Highlands originally bred the Cairn Terrier, a breed renowned for its courage and lively character. Over the years, these small but brave dogs have taken on important roles in tough settings, securing their place as beloved companions. Farmers used stacks of stones, called "cairns," to mark boundaries or burial sites. Scottish farming traditions connect the origins of these cairns to the significance of the Cairn Terrier. The West Highland White Terrier and the Skye Terrier are other working terriers that come from Scotland. The Cairn Terrier, part of a larger group of working terriers, was purposefully developed in Scotland. Through selective breeding, distinct traits unique to each variety have emerged. In the late 19th century, dog enthusiasts began to cultivate the characteristics of the Cairn Terrier. ...